Did the modern state emerge in the 16th century? Holy Roman Empire and the case of Silesia



  • Jarosław Kuczer University of Zielona Góra


Silesia, modern state, political system, Silesian administration, Holy Roman Empire


In the construction of modern states, a particularly important role was played by the combination
of supreme, central government, with the dominance of the power of society in the regions.
The emergence of the modern state poses many difficulties for legal historians, especially concerning
time, but also space. In the area of the Holy Roman Empire, the multiplicity of states and their
internal differentiation strengthened the construction of this type of state, an example of which is
Silesia, as well as Bavaria, Hesse, or Bohemia. The paper focuses mainly on the administrative factor,
but also on the underlying social factor. The construction of a modern administration, sometimes
absolutist, encountering local resistance, is one of the most important factors in the emergence of
modern states, not only in the 15th century, as the article puts it, but also from the 13th century onwards,
as Anglo-Saxon historians would rather boldly have it.


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How to Cite

Kuczer, J. (2023). Did the modern state emerge in the 16th century? Holy Roman Empire and the case of Silesia. Discourse of Law and Administration, (2), 11–26. https://doi.org/10.34768/dpia.2022.2.249